Cong Feng
Welcome to my website! Currently, I am an Associate Professor of Marketing, the holder of the Morris Lewis Endowed Lectureship, and the Departmental Ph.D. Program Coordinator at the School of Business Administration, University of Mississippi. I received my Ph.D. in Marketing from Syracuse University. My research has been published in (or accepted by) the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, INFORMS Service Science, Review of Managerial Science, and Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. I am the recipient of the 2022 & 2020 Outstanding Junior Researcher Awards from the School of Business Administration at the University of Mississippi, the sole runner-up prize for the 2017 Service Science Best Article Award from INFORMS, the All-University Doctoral Prize from Syracuse University, and the Dr. Torpey Teaching Award from the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University.
LAST UPDATED: February 2024
Office: 234 Holman Hall, University, MS 38677
University of Mississippi, School of Business Administration
Departmental Ph.D. Program Coordinator, 2024.9 - Present
Associate Professor of Marketing & Morris Lewis Lecturer, 2023.7 - Present
Assistant Professor of Marketing, 2017 - 2023.6
Syracuse University, Whitman School of Management
Lecturer of Marketing, 2015 - 2016
Empirical marketing strategy
Top management teams
Sales management
Ph.D. in Marketing, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, 2017
M.S. in Economics, College of Business and Economics, Lehigh University, 2012
B.Econ. in Finance and Banking, College of Economics, Shenzhen University, 2010
Cong Feng, Pankaj Patel, Scott Fay, and Huigang Liang, CIO Structural Power and Corporate Social Performance. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (Accepted)
Cong Feng and Kexin Xiang (2023), Structural Power of Female Executives and Retailer Profitability: A Contingent Resource-based Perspective. Journal of Business Research, 168, 114137. [LINK]
Lagnajita Chatterjee, Cong Feng, Cheryl Nakata, K. Sivakumar (2023), The Environmental Turbulence Concept in Marketing: A Look Back and a Look Ahead. Journal of Business Research, 161, 113775. Lead article. [LINK]
Cong Feng and Scott Fay (2022), An Empirical Investigation of Forward-Looking Retailer Performance Using Parking Lot Traffic Data Derived from Satellite Imagery. Journal of Retailing, 98(4), 633-646. [LINK]
Scott Fay, Cong Feng, and Pankaj Patel (2022). Staying Small, Staying Strong? Retail Store Underexpansion and Retailer Profitability. Journal of Business Research, 144, 663-678. All authors contributed equally to this work. [LINK]
Cong Feng, Scott Fay, Saim Kashmiri (2022). The Value Relevance of Descriptive R&D Intensity. Journal of Business Research, 139, 1394-1407. [LINK]
Cong Feng, Pankaj Patel, and Scott Fay (2021). The Value of the Structural Power of the Chief Information Officer in Enhancing Forward-Looking Firm Performance. Journal of Management Information Systems, 38(3), 765-797. All authors contributed equally to this work. [LINK]
Pankaj Patel, Cong Feng, Maria João Guedes (2021). Marketing Capability and New Venture Survival: The Role of Marketing Myopia. Industrial Marketing Management, 93, 307-326. The first two authors contributed equally to this work. [LINK]
Cong Feng, Jiong Sun, Yiwei Fang, and Iftekhar Hasan (2021). Executives with Customer Experience and Firm Performance in the B2B Context. European Journal of Marketing, 55(7), 1805-1840. [LINK]
Cong Feng and Scott Fay (2021). Chief Stores Officer and Retailer Performance. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 58, article number 102321. [LINK]
Barry Babin, Cong Feng, and Adilson Borges (2021). As the Wheel Turns Toward the Future of Retailing. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (Invited Peer-reviewed Commentary), 29(1), 78-91. [LINK]
Pankaj Patel and Cong Feng (2021). LGBT Workplace Equality Policy and Customer Satisfaction: The Roles of Marketing Capability and Demand Instability. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40(1), 7-26. Lead Article. The first two authors contributed equally to this work. [LINK]
Cong Feng, Scott Fay, Kexin Xiang (2021). When Do We Need Higher Educated Salespeople? The Role of Work Experience. Review of Managerial Science, 15, 1391–1429. All authors contributed equally to this work. [LINK]
Cong Feng, Pankaj Patel, and K. Sivakumar (2020). Chief Global Officers, Geographical Sales Dispersion, and Firm Performance. Journal of Business Research, 121, 58-72. The first two authors contributed equally to this work. [LINK]
Cong Feng and Scott Fay (2020). Store Closings and Retailer Profitability: A Contingency Perspective. Journal of Retailing, 96(3), 411–433. [LINK]
Cong Feng, Pankaj Patel, and Kexin Xiang (2020). The Well-trodden Path: Complementing Market and Entrepreneurial Orientation with a Strategic Emphasis to Influence IPO Survival in the United States. Journal of Business Research, 110, 370-385. The first two authors contributed equally to this work. [LINK]
K. Sivakumar and Cong Feng (2019). Patterns of Product Improvements and Customer Response. Journal of Business Research, 104, 27-43. [LINK]
Cong Feng and K. Sivakumar (2016). The Role of Collaboration in Service Innovation across Manufacturing and Service Sectors. INFORMS Service Science, 8(3), 263-281. [LINK]
Sole runner-up, 2017 INFORMS Service Science Best Article Award
Finalist, 2015 INFORMS Service Science Section Best Student Paper Award]
Cong Feng and Scott Fay (2016). Inferring Salesperson Capability Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management (Special Section on Sales Research Methodology), 36(3), 294-306. [LINK]
Cong Feng, Scott Fay, and K. Sivakumar (2016). Overbidding in Electronic Auctions: Factors Influencing the Propensity to Overbid and the Magnitude of Overbidding. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(2), 241-260. [LINK]
Scott Fay, Jinhong Xie, and Cong Feng (2015). The Effect of Probabilistic Selling on the Optimal Product Mix. Journal of Retailing, 91(3), 451-467. [LINK]
Marketing Policy and Strategy, University of Mississippi, Fall 2017 - Present
Retailing and E-Commerce, University of Mississippi, Winter 2023, 2024, 2025
Principles of Marketing
University of Mississippi, Summer 2022, 2023, 2024
Syracuse University, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016
Integrated Core Recitation (Teaching Assistant), Syracuse University, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014
Doctoral Seminar in Marketing (Guest Lecturer), Syracuse University, Fall 2015
Outstanding Junior Researcher of the Year, School of Business Administration, University of Mississippi, 2022
Outstanding Junior Researcher of the Year, School of Business Administration, University of Mississippi, 2020
Runner-up, INFORMS Service Science Best Article Award, 2017
All-University Doctoral Prize, Syracuse University, 2017
Dr. Torpey Teaching Award, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, 2017
Fellow, AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium, University of Notre Dame, 2016
Finalist, INFORMS Service Science Best Student Paper Award, 2015
Fellow, ISMS Doctoral Consortium, Johns Hopkins University, 2015
Student Fellow, Columbia-Duke-UCLA Workshop on Quantitative Marketing, 2013
Doctoral Scholarship, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, 2012-2017
Research Assistantship, College of Business and Economics, Lehigh University, 2011-2012
First Prize Academic Award, College of Economics, Shenzhen University, 2008
Excellence Award for Arts and Sports, College of Economics, Shenzhen University, 2008
Excellence Award for Social Work, College of Economics, Shenzhen University, 2007